GenderED Coalition
GenderED Coalition is a CREA MEDIA funded project addressing medialiteracy and gender equality, with the aim of shedding lights on the phenomenonof gendered disinformation and violence in social media and challenging themisogynistic disinformation by building a cohesive and gender-wise competentcommunity of MIL practitioners and educators with a solid cross-country andbottom-up approach.
GenderED Coalition designs a framework of competencies for the different categories of MIL educators, defining the expected competencies on how to combat disinformation and online violence based on gender and sex and offering gender-sensitive training opportunities, in person and online.
It builds a community of practice that creates synergies between MIL educators (representatives of civil society organizations, teachers, librarians, etc.), gender experts and activists, human rights defenders, influencers and artists - to conduct online campaigns against gender disinformation in its various forms.
To realize its vision and support the construction of the Community of Practice, GendeRED's partners will implement and produce:
- A mapping of the phenomenon of gender disinformation in EU countries;
- A skill profile and an ad hoc training course for MIL educators;
- A European civic Hackathon for the online feminist community;
- Transnational media campaigns developed by the participants in the Hackathons and in synergy with the Community of Practice;
- A MOOC on gender misinformation available to all new members in the Community of Practice.
More information:
Sylvia Liuti -
Martina Morbidini -
A project co-funded by the CREA MEDIA program of the European Union
No. id. 01136124
Other partners
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