Media for Adult Education
- to support educators’,teachers’ and librarians’ critical competencies and skills for mediaconsumption and production, increasing availabilities of Media and InformationLiteracy (MIL) digital tools for adult education;
- to foster educators,teachers and librarians’ engagement with their communities within acollaborative dynamic for media production and Civic Media Literacycompetencies development;
- to increase Europeantransnational collaboration between educators, teachers and librarians oncombating discriminations, hate speech and xenophobia through non-formallearning activities contributing to civic engagement and social inclusion.
- the creation of a Toolkitfor adult trainers, educators, teachers and librarians, including a database ofeducational resources on MIL for adults, and specific guidelines gathering bestpractices on methodologies, curriculum development and training delivery;
- the development and pilotingof a curriculum on teaching MIL trough Media production for adult learners;
- the establishment of anetwork of trainers including also educators, teachers and/or librarians, aimedat better implementing the curriculum at the local level;
- the realisation of theMIL’athon, a fun event where educators, teachers and/or librarians from the 4countries will produce a media illustrating civic engagement and socialinclusion in Europe.
More information:
Giulia Soldati -
Sylvia Liuti -
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