NEW is a 30-month initiative involving 6 partners from Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Belgium and Ireland to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and micro-enterprises in creating more inclusive working environments that enhance the talents of neurodivergent people. The project will demonstrate how inclusive practices around neurodiversity are an asset for companies, with the potential to guide them towards a more ethical and prosperous future.
Forma.azione is a partner of the NEW project, a 36-month initiative involving 6 partners from Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Belgium and Ireland, with the aim of supporting SMEs and micro-enterprises in creating more inclusive working environments that enhance the talents of neurodivergent people.
The idea behind the project is that neurodiversity in human resources is an asset for companies and a potential to guide them towards a more ethical and prosperous future.
To achieve this goal the partnership intends to:
- Raising awareness and increasing knowledge among SMEs and micro companies (and reference stakeholders) about neurodiversity is a key asset in contemporary business.
- Championing specific and regular Data Collectionon Neurodiversity at the Workplace, especially in SMEs
- Equipping business leaders and staff with an appropriate set of competences, strategies and tools to introduce and practice neurodiversity at the workplaces, to prevent discrimination, to guarantee the wellbeing to their employees and benefits to their organizations.
SMEs and microenterprises in Europe will be thus provided with:
- an Awareness Raising Strategy aimed at reinforcing the knowledge on neurodiversity among HR managers, SMEs and microenterprises managers and employers, trade unions and employers' associations;
- NEURODIVERSITY AT WORK (r) evolutionary inclusion model, equipping enterprises managers and employees with appropriate strategies and tools to introduce and practice neurodiversity at the workplace;
- A multi-stakeholders European network for further sustainability and elaboration of Project NEW results.
More information at:
Sylvia Liuti -
Chiara Marchetta -
A project co-funded by the Erasmus+ project of the European Union.
ID number 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000033362
Other partners
- Action form (IT)
- AIDP (IT) — Italian Association for HR Management
- EDA (BE) — European Dyslexia Association
- Specialisterne Ireland (IE)
In addition, several associated partners collaborate on the project, including
- UNGCNI — UN Global Compact Italy (IT)
- AID — Italian Dyslexia Association (IT)
- UIL — ITALIAN LABOR UNION — trade union (IT)
- Platform for Berufsbezogene Erwachesenenbildung (AT)
- BPMA — Bulgarian Association for People Management (BG)
- DAI — Dyslexia Association of Ireland (IE)
- Dyspraxia/DCD Ireland (IE)