The project has worked to support the social economysector in contrasting sexual harassment at the workplace. In order to do that, partnershave developed a training – also available online at – and organisedseveral informative events at national and EU level in order to raise theattention on the topic and build alliances for safe work places. Over 50companies have joined the Set The Tone European Alliance from many Europeancountries.
Sexual harassment creates a hostile work environmentfor individuals and groups of employees who are the targets of harassment, andoften, for those who choose to report harassment. Workers affected by it feelinsecure about their work; they are more frequently absent and may even beunable to work, with consequent impacts on productivity and corporate andpublic costs.
As violence and harassment in the workplace deprivespeople of their dignity and represent a threat to equal opportunities and tosafe, healthy and productive working environments, the International LabourOrganization (ILO) has recently created the Violence and Harassment Convention2019, which recognizes the right of everyone to a world free from violence andharassment, including gender-based violence and harassment.
SET THE TONE project aims to impact employers andemployees’ mind-set and daily behaviours practiced at the workplace towardsgender stereotypes, sexual harassment, including cyber-harassment, throughtheir active engagement as positive key players in preventing and reportingsexual harassment cases. The project activities aim to target both possiblevictims and perpetrators at workplace making them aware about the impact oftheir actions as well as the rights to be defended.
The project actions involve employers and employeeswith a specific role in assuring health and safety at workplace and otheremployees, both men and women, potential victims and perpetrators; among theemployees, particular attention will be paid to newly hired and those in internshipwho are supposed to be more vulnerable.
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